Actress laila was one of the popular heroines of kollywood in the mid-2000s. Starting her career with Vijayakanth starrer Kallazhagar, the actress went on to act in numerous hit movies with actors like ajith, Vikram, and Suriya. With the lockdown in place, tv channels have been telecasting old super hit movies that have been entertaining people and giving nostalgia, and recently, director AR Murugadoss's debut movie Dheena starring ajith and laila was telecast, and laila has shared a memory from the shooting of the movie.
Laila posted "One of my most favorite films @a.r.murugadoss @itsyuvan I remember I was not feeling well during the shoot of the song, I had a bad cough and fever, but it didn't show and the song was fantastic, the energy of the song gave me the energy to dance! 🧡🧡".
Meanwhile, ajith is currently working for 'Valimai' under H.Vinoth's direction. The team is shooting non-stop and only few more portions are left. boney kapoor produces this venture and the promotions of 'Valimai' will begin from May 1, 2021, as it also marks the 50th birthday of ajith Kumar. The team will leave to spain to shoot the climax bike race. karthikeya already confirmed that he is the villain of the movie.