Bigg Boss contestant Julie posted photos by hugging a guy who was seen without any clothes. The photos went viral and netizens lashed out at her for posting such photos on the Internet without any shame. But Julie politely responded to all those comments by saying it was her brother. bigg boss reality show can never be forgotten by anyone anytime sooner.

The first season became a huge success due to the controversial contestant Julie. The first season was a hit as everyone lived to their originality while other contestants in other seasons literally acted in it. Julie and Oviya became popular while the former became famous due to controversies. Even though it has been 5 long years, the contestants are still famous. 

Julie has a huge fan following on social media. She is currently seen as a judge in several reality shows hosted by the Star vijay channel itself. In this case, recently some of her obscene photos have gone viral where she was seen cuddling with a guy who was shirtless. Julie never responded to any of the comments and she kept a muted response. All of a sudden, the actress revealed that it was her brother. Check some more photos below,

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