Tamannaah was last seen in the web series 'November Story' and the series got aired on Disney Plus Hotstar recently. The actress is pumped up about the response she received for her web series. The actress recently spoke to a leading bollywood Channel and she shares what movie was challenging in her entire career and what scene, in particular, demanded more physical involvement, and so on.

With a decade of experience to back her up, tamannaah also believes that Baahubali was the most challenging film she did as it enabled her to test her limits. The actress also revealed that in 'Baahubali: The Beginning' the fall scenes and snowfall scenes are the most challenging ones as it demanded lots of physical ability. 

She also spoke about her recent web series 'November Story' and revealed that she signed the dotted line after hearing the multi-layered crime story. She felt it was eye candy to do something de-glam after a long time. She also said that she is excited about 'F3' and the movie is shaping up so well. The actress promised more fun and entertainment with the sequel. Stay tuned for more updates.

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