A few months back singer shreya ghoshal announced her first pregnancy. She is married to Shiladitya M for six years. Right now the parents shreya ghoshal and Shiladitya are expecting their first baby together. The actress announced the pregnancy in style by sharing a photo of herself and captioned, "Baby #Shreyaditya is on its way! @shiladitya and me are thrilled to share this news with you all. Need all your love and blessings as we prepare ourselves for this new chapter in our lives."

Shreya has been quite a busy bee during this lockdown as she was making new music with her brother Soumyadeep Ghoshal. The actress is now enjoying the new phase of her life and she is keeping herself engaged with some of the best moments. She is also enjoying her pregnancy period with some soul-stirring music. During her mother's 60th birthday, she was flaunting her baby bump and after that, she kept a muted response.

In this case, the actress yesterday revealed that she has delivered a beautiful baby boy. She wrote, "God has blessed us with a precious baby boy this afternoon. It’s an emotion never felt before. @shiladitya and I along with our families are absolutely overjoyed. Thank you for your countless blessings for our little bundle of joy." On behalf of Team india Herald, we wish the couple a Happy Parenting!

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