Shraddha Das was last seen in the movie 'Ek mini Katha'. The movie got brickbats and praises in equal proportion. Even though the adult jokes never worked much, they got some appreciation for conveying a sensitive matter. shraddha das acted in a blink-and-miss role which was not substantial. However, the actress grabbed all eyeballs whenever she appeared on the screen due to her hotness quotient.

In the end, the movie has ended as a complete cringe-fest with an overdose of sexuality and adult jokes. The story is about santhosh who is a happy-going school kid who excels in sports and academics. But, a friend's comment on the size of his genitals leaves him confused and he approaches his father to discuss the issue and the father mistakes his son to be a sex addict and the misunderstanding grows over the years.

In this case, a recent photo of shraddha das is going viral where she is seen in an ash-colored saree and she was keeping it even hotter with minimal make-up. The transparent fiber material added more hotness to her curves and she flaunted with a matching white earring. She took the photo by sunset and more than the sunset it was her cuteness which grabs our attention.

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