Director AL vijay has celebrated his Son's First Birthday on a grand scale and the photos have gone viral on social media and many of them sent their wishes on the social media itself. Due to the second wave of COVID and lockdown measures, only close relatives and family members attended this function. director AL vijay is currently directing the biopic of Late cm jayalalitha and kangana ranaut essays the role of jayalalitha in that movie.

The movie titled 'Thalaivi' is nearing completion and in this movie, aravind Swamy does the role of MGR. Already the trailer and songs have got a good response. director AL vijay married Actress amala paul in 2014 and then divorced her after that he married aishwarya in the year 2019 and the couple was blessed with a boy baby last year. 

They named the baby 'Dhruva Vijay' and the couple shared the first photos of their lovely son to this World. Now, they have celebrated the First Birthday of the kid in a grand manner inside their home itself. No film-related celebrities were called for this function and only close family members were invited to this event.

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