Kajal Aggarwal is spending some personal time with her husband Gautam Kitchlu right now in this lockdown period. The actress who is always fit and keeps her body toned had lost her zone after the marriage and it was evident in her recent photos as well. But now she is shaping herself once again and she started the workouts along with her husband Kitchlu in her residence in Mumbai.

The actress was wearing a sports bralette and was flaunting her toned midriff and it was really tempting to watch. We can see her husband Gautam Kitchlu nearby her holding her waist and was posing for the photo. He was wearing a cap and was giving company to her wife during her workout session. The couple together gives everyone some fitness goals as they were sported together at the gym session.

Meanwhile, kajal aggarwal is back into signing projects as she will be working on a tamil film as well as a hindi film on a parallel note. She signed 'Uma' in hindi which is likely to be a biopic and a drama genre flick while her tamil movie 'Ghosty' will be a fun-filled horror comedy and it is also an entirely female-oriented script. kajal aggarwal failed during her Disney Plus Hotstar release 'Live Telecast' series.

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