Kiara Advani seems to make sure that the hotness of the day still remains hotter and she uploaded a bikini video of her show from the maldives tour. The actress was flaunting her hot and teasing body and we are sure no one can take our eyes off while watching the hot video. She was wearing a bright pink bikini and her facial expressions for the video are even hotter and we just can't stay calm. 

The actress also revealed that she is missing out on the sunshine and her tan in that instagram video as well. alia bhatt, Mansha Grace Bahl, Esha Amiin, and several others have been blown away by her hotness and they also shared their comments on her post. Even before one hour of her upload, the video has crossed more than 3.5 Lakhs of likes, and no wonder Kiara's hotness has quite a value. 

When the video ends, we can see her sexy smiles and kiara wearing shades and they are just attractive and to be honest, tempting as well. kiara is always keeping herself in the light and she has quite a number of followers on Instagram. She has 17.4 Million followers on her instagram and every post easily mints her likes in 6 digits with ease. kiara advani is always in favor of the Netflix OTT platform as well.

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