Allu arjun recently took to twitter to recall his blockbuster movie 'Vedam' which got released a decade earlier and it also won the movie critics and the Box Office. The post was made by allu arjun last friday and he thanked krish for crafting such a visionary movie with all his passion. He also tagged manoj bajpayee who is currently having a dream run due to the second season of the web series 'Family Man' and other actors in the movie too.

This movie was even remade in tamil under the title 'Vaanam' where controversial hero Silambarasan reprised the role of Bunny. anushka shetty was also part of this brilliant visionary flick and as she was not present on twitter, she was not tagged by Bunny. In this case, after nearly a week's time, manoj bajpayee responded to the tweet of allu arjun and he said that he would always remember those happy days of shooting along with him. 

Manoj Bajpayee is on a song after the success of his role as 'Srikant Tiwari' in the family man series and he also promised to all the episode fans that they will be seeing the TASC officer in another mission and it will be a new season from the team as well.

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