Social media has become a viral spot lately and many pictures are going viral on the platform. The new and rare picture to go viral is from the success meet of Chiranjeevi's 'Khaidi No. 786' film. The picture has legendary actors like Superstar Krishna, Rebelstar krishnam raju and Shobab Babu in it along with chiranjeevi and director Vijaya Bapineedu.

Director Vijaya Bapineedu used to maintain a very good relationship with top heroes in the industry back then and that is why they were present at the success meet of his film. They were invited as guests of honor at the success meet of the film. At present the picture is going viral on social media. netizens are sharing the picture virally and are expressing their happiness to see such legendary actors in one frame.

The movie which was released in 1988 on june 10 is one of the superhit movies in the career of Chiranjeevi. The movie featured bhanupriya as the leading lady. The other important actors are Satyanarayana, Kota Srinivasarao, Mohan babu, nutan prasad among others. chiranjeevi and Vijaya Bapineedu did 7 movies together and this is the biggest blockbuster among them.

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