Famous Celebrity Stylist manish Malhotra has designed a ravishing Yellow Saree for pooja hegde and the gorgeous actress has just taken the entire instagram by storm after uploading them on her personal profile account. Right now, if there has to be only one busy actress in the Country, we would definitely pick pooja hegde with our eyes closed as she has lots of movies in Hindi, Telugu, and also tamil recently. 

Pooja Hegde has never dressed like going on a red carpet or any family event for the past few months as she was in the recovery phase. Nearly after an 85-days gap, she got dressed in a ravishing yellow saree with beaded and embroidery works. The actress never revealed where she is dressed to go, but she just mentioned she got somewhere to go by dressing up.

Soniya Mehra commented on her recent Yellow saree post as 'Sunshine Girl' with some heart eyes emoticon while the designer himself has shared a red heart emoji. pooja hegde also revealed the jewelry she was wearing and it was from Anmol Jewellers. This Yellow lace saree with a perfect hair bun was giving her that babelicious look and we can't get our eyes off pooja at any instant.

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