Kiara Advani seems to be unstoppable as she has again shared her Bikini Body photo as a throwback on her latest post in the instagram account. This particular photo has crossed more than 500,000 likes within 30 minutes and has created a new record already. We just can't keep staring at her flawless hot body show as she was flaunting her toned abs and sexy thighs and teasing cleavage.

The actress seems to be flying higher with lots of projects in hindi right now and despite that, she also has some projects where she acts with her boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra. Recently, we reported that 'Shershah' will be getting a direct OTT wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital release and that was a highly anticipated flick too. She is going to share screen space with akshay kumar for one of the hottest sequels in Bollywood.

Her Hot Bikini show is now the talk of the social media platforms as the Yellow Bikini revealed her hot assets too. A while ago, she shared a video of her maldives vacay, and even during that time, she showcased her Bikini body and gave us a glimpse of her hot peeping assets. Now, clearly she did it again with a hot recent bikini photo to ensure she grabs all eyes over her alone.

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