Kajal Aggarwal currently shoots for a 'Uma' movie in kolkata and the movie is touted to be a slice-of-life movie and is shaped by Tathagatha Singha. The entire crew is stationed in kolkata and the makers have planned to complete the entire shooting within one schedule itself. kajal aggarwal has decided to play some smart choices and her first choice among them was signing the hindi film 'Uma' for a whopping remuneration of 2 Crores. 

Now, she has shared some photos on instagram and she was flaunting her all-glam look from the movie and we can see Kajal sipping the tea in Kulhad. This movie Uma is produced by Miraj Group partners Avishek Ghosh and Mantaraj Paliwal and they have paid such a huge amount to Kajal. 

Kajal Aggarwal's illustrious career never had any fantasy movies so far and this would be her first of a fantasy-based movie and she is now ready to try lots of out-of-the-box roles without bothering about any consequences and we have to wait and see what she checks next. Now, she is in kolkata and is doing all the necessary shopping and shooting for the movie as well. She even posted Wimbledon photos from her hotel while sharing them in her personal stories section.

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