Pooja Hegde was absolutely looking like a babe in her latest set of beach photos and videos and she was having a gala time with her colleagues at Chennai. The maharshi actress is keeping her fans with lots of photos and videos and no wonder she has such an amassing fan following on her instagram account profile page. 

Now, her videos on her instagram stories just make us scream Kareena's famous dialogue from the K3G flick as she mesmerizes us totally. pooja Hegde's instagram family is totally blown away by her jaw-dropping photos and we can see the emojis one has updated on her stories section and the craziness of pooja on the beach are evident from the videos. 

Pooja Hegde has crossed several borders and she works on Radhe Shyam, Cirkus, Beast, Acharya, and even more biggies right now and she is also expected to sign a female-centric tamil flick sooner. Kabhi Eid Kabhi diwali movie with salman khan is expected to be pooja Hegde's game-changing movie and expectations are already higher even before the movie goes on floors and pooja is trying to make the best of everything before joining hands with Sallu Bhai.

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