Kajal Aggarwal seems to have a personal close bonding with Deekay director as she agreed to work on a new movie despite their last journey 'Kavalai Vendaam's movie was an utter flop. Regina Cassandra, janani Iyer, and a new actress are part of the casting and they will act along with Kajal and we now came to know that the movie named 'Karungaapiyam' will take place in the current period, but Kajal Aggarwal's portions will alone be shot in the pre-independence period and Kajal will sport a new avatar for the first time. 

Regarding this, director Deekay said, "Kajal Aggarwal will be doing the role of a Pannayaar veetu ponnu and she always keeps the villagers happy by helping them every time. She suddenly gets a superpower and that superpower itself becomes a curse to her. 

I don't have to reveal more about Kajal's pre-independence character and this movie is not an anthology and all I can say is Karungaapiyam means black novel and that means one story with lots of interesting factors and elements. We also bought an Iranian actress Noyrika to act along with kajal aggarwal in this movie. Kajal has done several looks and we also did research on Zaminadrs to give the right  feel for the audience and we shot her portions at Pollachi."

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