We can't forget ram Charan's debut in the bollywood industry as it was one of the colossal disasters in his career. Yeah! We are speaking about the movie 'Zanjeer' where he acted along with priyanka chopra and the movie got some harsh critics from bollywood tabloids as well. Yesterday, priyanka chopra celebrated her 39th birthday and lots of fans and well-wishers were pouring wishes for the actress on the social profile platforms and ram charan has surprised her by taking to twitter to wish her on his personal profile. 

The actor even shared a throwback photo of himself and priyanka chopra together which was taken during 'Zanjeer' time and he wished her a happy birthday and the wishes have instantly gone viral on the Internet. 

Zanjeer was a colossal failure which was helmed by apoorva lakhia and it got released in 2013 and now again ram charan is planning to step into bollywood as he works on the Pan-Indian film project 'RRR' and soon he is all set to work under director Shankar for another biggie. We also came to know that the throwback pic of ram charan with Piggy Chops was clicked during the famous kapil sharma Show in bollywood and we can see ram charan all smiles while clicking that pic.

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