Rashmika Mandanna has wrapped up her new schedule of 'Good Bye' hindi film shooting and was papped after her workout session in a private gym at Juhu and she was absolutely looking comfy in her latest gym outfit. rashmika mandanna recently bought a new abode in mumbai and is residing with her pet dog Aura and is shooting for her second straight film in Bollywood. 

Now, we hear from bollywood Tabloids that rashmika has wrapped the shooting for her second bollywood movie and is planning to move on to her third straight hindi film which will be revealed sooner during a pooja ceremony. She was spotted yesterday night in comfy gym attire where she was wearing a white jacket and matching dark shades as well. 

After wrapping her latest schedule with Big B, rashmika spoke to a leading bollywood portal and she said, "Working with amitabh Ji is like working with a family member in the team and he always listens when we do the reading and he corrects our mistakes. I am a huge fan of Big B's voice and I can't express my gratitude to Big B in words and he is completely warm and I really appreciate that he is part of my second straight hindi film."

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