Shruti Haasan was recently seen along with her Boyfriend Santanu Hazarika as both of them stepped out in mumbai and they gave couple fashion goals together. Santanu Hazarika is a doodle artist and an illustrator and we have already shared his doodle works and artistic works on our portal. Now, both shruti and Santanu got papped in mumbai as both of them were completely looking stylish in black and they gave us fashion goals together as a couple. 

Both of them looked like Made for each other and shruti haasan in particular looks more fashionable and she was wearing a black net skirt with a crop top and matching sneakers and was giving us new fashion ideas. Santanu on the other hand was wearing beige joggers and white sneakers and he was also keeping it simple and subtle. 

The photos taken by Paparazzi on the couple are turning viral on several tabloids. shruti haasan is recently working on her new project 'Salaar' where she is going to work along with prabhas for the first time in her two decades of career and she already has toned her body accordingly as he wants to stay fit ahead of the shooting schedule in Gujarat.

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