In Kollywood, if there is one hyped movie right now, it has to be 'Aranmanai 3' as the movie is already having a huge expectation after the first two parts. During the second part, trisha essayed the female lead role and she paired with siddharth in that movie and for the first time in her two decades of career, trisha exposed herself in Bikini.

Sundar. C clearly exposed Trisha's hot assets and fans drooled over Trisha's hotness and in fact after that Trisha's market value also increased and she signed lots of projects. Now, Raashi Khanna who is doing the female lead role in the third part is going to follow similar footsteps of trisha as she will be wearing a bikini in a song sequence and already the BTS photos of Aranmanai 3 has set the internet on fire as we can see Raashi Khanna exposing her toned midriff in a revealing red dress and these new photos are going viral on social media. 

The movie also marks the final one for the legendary actor vivek who took his last breath on april 17, 2021. Raashi Khanna will not be wearing a perfect two-piece bikini, but she will be seen exposing too much in a sports bra and sexy shorts in that particular song sequence.

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