Keerthy suresh has several reasons to celebrate today as the actress enjoys her 6th year anniversary after marking her debut with the 'Idhu Enna Maayam' movie and today also her movie 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata' First Look gets released at evening 4 pm. The actress also has signed a new Jewelry brand endorsement where she will be the new face of Jos Alukkas in the future.

A brand new photoshoot session was taken with Keerthy suresh and the first ad was revealed by the Jewelry makers today. We can see a buoyant Keerthy suresh in a grand embroidered Lehenga with many jewels over her neck and waist. We can also see her teasing waistline for this jewelry ad shoot and she was absolutely looking gorgeous and breathtaking in the ad shoot.

On the work front, Keerthy suresh has signed few more movies in tamil apart from 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata' and she hopes to make a mark once again in the South indian industry and she is accepting all offers which come on her way right now. Keerthy suresh also has some more notable brand endorsements and soon they will be revealed by the PRO team she manages.

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