Pooja Hegde finally wished megastar chiranjeevi by late night 9.34 pm and she shared some unseen photos of megastar from the sets of 'Acharya' and fans are now sharing those photos virally on the Internet. pooja hegde was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous in the desi looks as she was seen in a low-hip half saree with a black-colored blouse. 

She was seen wearing a bindhi on her forehead and in the backdrop we can see some village items and we are sure this is going to be a rural action drama entertainer. This is not the first time, pooja hegde wishes an actor very late, as she earlier did it several times. But, she compensated it by sharing some unseen photos and fans are now heaping praises on the actress. 

And in her birthday wishes, she has called chiranjeevi 'LEGEND' and she also revealed that she is completely honored to act along with him. She also spilled the beans that chiranjeevi has been completely encouraging and so kind with her on the sets during the shooting. She finally wished chiranjeevi garu loads of love and happiness and finally, she revealed that she is excited to meet him again on the sets and this means, pooja hegde has not completed her portions.

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