Manushi Chhillar wore a black ensemble to make the ultimate glam statement and shared breathtaking photos on instagram earlier this month and she chose Sunaina Khera to design her outfit for the photo shoot. Manushi was seen wearing a spaghetti-strap brassiere with a thigh-slit translucent skirt that showed off her toned figure and she completed the look with a pair of black Christian Louboutin stilettos and delicate curls. 

She didn't wear any accessories and instead let her outfit speak for itself and that itself was more than enough to make us fall for her beauty. Metallic bronze eyeshadow, black eyeliner, a lot of bronzers, and nude lipstick were all on point and it should be recalled that Miss World 2017 was won by Manushi Chhillar herself. 

She will shortly make her bollywood debut opposite akshay kumar in the historical period drama prithviraj and in the movie, she plays Samyukta, the Princess of Kannauj and she already started preparing for her role and she has now spiced up the photoshoot session. Manushi Chillar will be seen next in some South indian movies and she is prepping up for her roles and soon she will be ruling tollywood as well.

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