Samantha Akkineni claimed in an interview that she was really taken aback when anushka sharma reacted to one of her instagram stories. According to the Theri actress, "When anushka sharma reacted to one of my stories, I felt the same way. It was as though someone had said, "Wait, what...?" 

Samantha also complimented anushka on her social media pages for posting empowering messages. "Anushka Sharma's engagement postings, in my opinion, are quite valuable. I really think her instagram feed empowers and makes you joyful on the inside. So, anushka Sharma's social media appeals to me "In an interview with a leading bollywood portal, samantha akkineni stated. samantha also said that she never goes to her DM whenever she makes some updates on her posts as it would invite unwanted trouble to her.

Samantha Akkineni has always voiced her admiration for this lovely duo, whether it was reacting to Virat Kohli's instagram post or commenting on anushka Sharma's swimsuit photo. sam also commented on anushka sharma and Virat Kohli's wedding anniversary post with a heart emoticon. samantha akkineni just concluded the shot of her two major upcoming projects, Shakuntalam and Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal, after a string of successes.

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