There is some exciting news for deepika padukone lovers as the diva is preparing to work on a new hollywood movie after making her debut long back with Vin diesel for the 'XXX' series. Padukone is reportedly scheduled to star in a romantic comedy for STXfilms and temple Hill, and the actress will also produce it through her Ka productions label.

For the uninitiated, temple Hill Productions' Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen, who were behind major hits like the Twilight series, The Fault in Our Stars, and love, Simon, may develop the project. According to reports, this film will be a large-scale cross-cultural love comedy starring deepika padukone and for temple Hill, Isaac Klausner is in charge of the project.

Regarding this, Fogelson said, "There's a reason deepika is one of India's most well-known international stars and she is a hugely gifted woman with a contagious personality, and her status as an international superstar continues to rise. While she has featured in many Eros international flicks, we are glad to be working on a romantic comedy with her and our temple Hill pals. We believe that this project will allow us to delve into the spirit, voice, characters, and dynamic settings of india and New York in ways that were so true and original in Crazy Rich Asians."

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