Director G Nageshwar reddy is well-known for his slapstick comedies. Previously, the filmmaker has had a string of box office successes. The director is now working on a film named Gully Rowdy. The film stars sundeep kishan in the main role. The film, which is billed as scenario humour, has a number of performers in the lead parts. According to reports, neha shetty will play a comedic character in the film. As per him, the movie is unlike any of his previous works.

The movie has previously announced the release date of the movie will be released soon. Previously the movie has locked the date on Sep 3rd but was later postponed. However, the movie is making its theatrical premiere. The movie has officially confirmed that the movie will be hitting the silver screens on Sep 17th.

The filmmaker is optimistic that spectators will enjoy the picture, which has several amusing features. The rumour is that the main character is obligated to continue the rowdyism tradition. But he doesn't want it, therefore the plot revolves around what he undertakes to keep the heritage alive. Sundeep, meanwhile, was most recently seen in A1 Express previously this year and has a number of projects in the works, including a feature alongside Vi Anand.

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