Rashmika Mandanna held an instagram Live on september 15th evening to interact with her followers after wrapping the Mission majnu filming with Sidharth Malhotra. During the Live, the geetha govindam heroine gave a one-word description of her Pushpa co-star Allu arjun, talked about Thalapathy Vijay, and expressed her excitement for Jr NTR's tentatively titled next venture NTR30.

Rashmika Mandanna, who has just been filming nonstop, took a little time out on Thursday, september 15 to do an insta Chat for her fans and acquaintances. During the Live, the heroine expressed her excitement for Jr NTR's 30th film with koratala siva to begin production. Despite speculations that rashmika mandanna has been cast as the film's female protagonist, no official date has been announced.

When a fan requested rashmika to characterize Allu arjun, her Pushpa co-star, in one phrase, the dear comrade heroine felt that one phrase was insufficient. 'Allu arjun is great,' she added at the end. When asked about her performance in Pushpa, the starlet expressed her excitement for the film. Regrettably, she informed her followers that she is unable to discuss her part, which has now been kept a secret.

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