Thalapathy 66, the film starring kollywood megastar Thalapathy Vijay, has been in the headlines for quite some time. While there is yet to be a formal declaration for this Tamil-Telugu bilingual, #Thalapathy66 is always trending on Twitter, even when fans provide a little update on the film. At this moment, the hashtag #Thalapathy66 is popular because filmmaker Vamshi Paidipally, who is directing the film, released a crucial update regarding the project, which will be funded by dil Raju.

When questioned about Thalapathy 66 at SIIMA, the director replied, "There's an information coming soon, you'll find out soon, and we just don't want to compromise it." Well, Vamshi's statements have sparked a frenzy among admirers, who have swamped social media with requests for the actual announcement date to be revealed. There are now also reports that Kajal has signed the dotted line and she accepted the movie for a low remuneration as well.

According to sources, the actor is demanding a hefty Rs 115-120 crore for this film. According to reports, the developers plan to release the picture on Dussehra, and it will begin shooting in february 2022. The film will be released during diwali next year, according to the production studio. Thalapathy Vijay has already delivered numerous diwali blockbusters, including Mersal, Sarkar, Bigil, and many others. 

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