Rashmika Mandanna, a Gorgeous stunner who has landed back-to-back two bollywood projects, was spotted today at Mumbai's airport. rashmika is dressed casually but comfortably for the airport. In a classic white shirt tucked in half to her blue jeans, she appears as lovely as ever. She completed her casual ensemble with a pair of white sneakers. rashmika, who is known for her upbeat, positive approach toward photographers, was all smiling as she posed for the photographers.

Rashmika Mandanna is one of the most well-known faces in the Kannada, Telugu, and tamil cinema industry. Not only is she appreciated for her acting, but also for her attractiveness and down-to-earth demeanour. The actress was recently dubbed "National Crush," indicating her popularity among the general public. rashmika will next be seen in Sukumar's Pushpa, a film starring allu arjun and written by sukumar himself.

The actress recently bought a posh apartment in mumbai and goa and she is spending her personal alone time with her puppy in the apartment. There are also reports that she is in a living-together relationship with vijay deverakonda and both of them are keeping their relation a secret and we can soon expect the cat to be out of the bag as such things can't be kept hidden for a long time as the Paparazzi are waiting every nook and corner.

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