Nayanthara, along with her boyfriend Vignesh Shivan, is currently in Mumbai. It is unclear whether the trip is for leisure or employment. The actress hacked her boyfriend's phone today and posted a captivating selfie in a white gown. Nayanthara also shared a sweet snapshot of herself and Vignesh twinning in white to wish everyone a happy Dussehra. Nayanthara has begun filming on the project, which is tentatively named Lion. A few photos from the scene had leaked on the internet, showing Atlee's crew preparing for the shot.

Meanwhile, Nayanthara answered allegations that she was secretly engaged to the filmmaker when appearing on a tv show to discuss her thriller flick. On the job front, Nayanthara is starring alongside vijay sethupathi and samantha in Vignesh Shivan's Kaathvaakula Rendu Kaadhal. Nayanthara is featured in Rajinikanth's Annaatthe and Shah Rukh Khan's forthcoming flick atlee alongside Atlee.

Regarding her upcoming film gold with prithviraj she said, "I don't suppose I need to say much more about gold because it's an Alphonse Puthren film. It boasts a large star cast, beginning with prithviraj and including 47 other performers. It'll be an entertaining thriller that'll be set in the Neram universe."

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