Most Eligible Bachelor, directed by Baskar featuring akhil, was released yesterday, and in an exclusive interview, the actor discussed the film and much more. Intriguingly, the trailer for the film includes a phrase that reads, "The boy's life involves 50 percent career, and 50 percent married life." A strong career is required for a happy married life." akhil is also regarded as one of the most eligible bachelors, and he has a stable employment. What is the status of his relationship?

"The dialogue we mentioned in the teaser is the dialogue of the character's first half. There is a transition, and if you've seen the trailer, you'll notice that there are two different looks. It's Harsha's dialogue during first half, in which he basically feels that life is a premeditated procedure. He determined that 50 percent of his time is spent on his career and 50 percent on his marriage. Everything is like a well-thought-out strategy, and he proceeds in this manner. "That character is not me," akhil clarifies.

"For me, if you question me at this time, honestly, if I have to be frankly truthful with you, I am 100 percent in my business right now," he continues. I've placed far too much emphasis on my profession to have anything else going on in my life right now. So, to be honest, there's nothing happening on for me, and I'm not sure I'll be ready to get married for a long, at least until I know I've gave it everything I've got and took the opportunity I've been given."

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