Pooja Hegde, who celebrated her one-year birthday on october 13, shared a few pictures from her birthday breakfast. pooja appears to be in the finest of spirits in the images, surrounded by her close friends and family. "Lemons, cheerful food, and a whole wonderful experience my unexpected brunch b'day looked like!" she captioned the photographs.

She also expressed gratitude to her fans and well-wishers for making this year's birthday one to remember. "Thank you for your birthday greetings. This year's birthday was truly one of a kind for me. Your support and affection, my fans and fan clubs, keep me going. I was completely touched by the outpouring of birthday greetings. Thank you very much "Pooja Hegde stated this on instagram after sharing a few images from her birthday eve.

Meanwhile, pooja hegde is happy to get positive reviews for her character Vibha even though the movie is getting bashes. Vibha's imprecise references to phrases like 'amour' have rendered Harsha's mind incapable of any thought. What she really wants is simple and can be stated over a cup of coffee. However, because she is a stand-up comedian who must appear free spirit, she speaks in a jumbled manner and appears strange. The film spends at least an hour trying to persuade us that Harsha is a youngster.


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