Actress samantha on wednesday approached the Kukatpalli court alleging that she was being slandered on social media. Her lawyer on thursday appealed to the judge to expedite the hearing of the petition. Asked to take action against those who humiliate celebrities. The judge made key remarks on the occasion. Everyone is equal before the court. It has been made clear that ordinary people and celebrities are the only ones before the court. The court clarified that it would inquire into the petition at the end of time.
samantha has filed a defamation suit against suman TV and Telugu's popular YouTube YouTube channels along with Dr. CL Venkatrao for slandering her on social media. The petition alleges that Venkatrao was insulted by false propaganda on both the channels regarding her married life which ended with naga Chaitanya. samantha had approached the court seeking an order to issue a conditional public apology through the media for making false remarks that would tarnish her personal reputation.for the past few days many on the platform of social media many news are circulated regarding their divorce matter as part of this samantha approached the court.