Mahesh Babu, the king of telugu cinema, is currently filming Sarkaru Vaari Paata in Spain. mahesh babu has a large fan following all across the world, as we all know. His supporters didn't miss out on the chance to take pictures with him while he was filming. On social networking sites, a few images of mahesh babu and Keerthy suresh embracing with their admirers in a foreign location have emerged.

Keerthy looks lovely in ethnic attire as she stands with a fan in the middle of the shot. These photographs clearly demonstrate the power of their pan-India readership. Parasuram's Sarkaru Vaari Paata is one of the most eagerly anticipated telugu movies. The crew is now filming in spain after wrapping up sessions in uae and Telangana. The team has planned to complete this before diwali and head back to India, sooner.

During one of the fight sequences, Mahesh looked dashing in a green athleisure attire with a cap and glasses, as he often does. The actor's relaxed yet fashionable appearance is providing us huge fashion inspiration. As of currently, no information about the spain timetable has been released. namrata shirodkar, Mahesh Babu's spouse, and their children gautam and Sitara have also accompanied mahesh babu in spain for their vacation.

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