Naga Shaurya and Ritu varma are going all out to promote Varudu Kaavalenu, their much-anticipated film. The film's leading actors are soaking up all of the publicity in style. Ritu varma looks sultry in an embroidered blue saree by Kresha Bajaj, once again turning attention. Ritu is causing a stir on the internet by pairing her royal blue saree with a backless top, turning it into a romantic ensemble for the festive season. Ritu enhanced her outfit with open straight hair, blue makeup, and diamond earrings, fashioned by Neeraja Kona. 

She was stunning from head to toe and we can't atke our eyes off of her. Ritu varma is murdering it like a badass. Clothing plays a vital part for celebrities, especially throughout awards ceremonies and marketing. Varudu Kaavalenu is a romantic comedy created by lakshmi Sowjanya and distributed by Suryadevara naga Vamsi underneath the sithara Entertainments company. In smaller roles, Nadhiya, murali Sharma, vennela Kishore, and Harshavardhan will appear. This next Friday, the picture will be released on the giant screen.

Naga Shaurya is among Tollywood's hottest artists. The performer now has four films in various genres scheduled for release in quick succession. naga Shaurya has a rom com movie called Varudu Kaavalenu among his many films. The film was planned last year, but following the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, it hit a snag in getting the cameras rolling. The crew, nevertheless, continued the shoot after the lockdown and finished it.

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