Gautam Kitchlu and kajal aggarwal are enjoying their first anniversary celebration. Since their marriage, the pair has been setting huge goals by posting emotional photos. On that point, Kajal took to the internet to share a hilarious yet endearing narrative about her spouse Guatam in order to offer anniversary greetings, and it's all kinds of lovely. However, she never revealed her pregnancy even on the special occassion.

Despite the fact that he awakens her up during the night for dog clips, the actress claimed that she still adores him in a PDA-filled photo with Gautam. The actress wrote a touching note that reads, "Even when you ask, "Are you alert?" in the dead of night, I adore you. "Happy 1st anniversary from the nicest thing that had ever happened to U!" I must show you this puppy clip. @kitchlug."

On october 30th, 2020, Kajal married gautam Kitchlu in a private wedding in Bombay. While their marriage was small owing to COVID-19, its nothing short of a fantasy as they exchanged vows in Mumbai's gorgeous taj mahal Palace hotel. Kajal's and her partner's romance is one of the most genuine. Before the marriage, the couple had been buddies for 8 years and had been in a relation for 4 years. 

The epidemic was the catalyst for them to take the risk. There were speculations that kajal aggarwal was carrying her first baby with gautam and that she was pregnant. However, as time went on, it stayed only a story.

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