The news of karnataka Celebrity Puneeth Rajkumar's unexpected death shocked the entire nation, including admirers and the movie industry. The family of departed actor Puneeth Rajkumar donated his eyeballs on Friday, following the lead of his father, Dr. Rajkumar. According to actor chetan Kumar Ahimsa, a panel of specialists completed the treatment within a six-hour span after his demise. 

According to recent accounts, four patients were given sight thanks to the late artist's donated eyeballs. Three men and one woman were among the beneficiaries, according to the article. According to reports, each of the late artist's eyes was utilised to treat two patients. "All 4 patients are between the ages of 20 and 30," Dr Bhujang Shetty, director of Narayana Nethralaya, told the top portal. 

They had been on the standby list for more than six months. Eye donations had completely ceased as a result of Covid-19. Our institution used to perform at least 200 transplant surgeries per month. For the past 2-3 months, things have been improving. However, there is a huge waiting list. As a result, we made the most of the available eyeballs, and instead of 2 patients, we were able to complete the transplant in four.”

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