On Internet, a hitting scene in the newly released tamil movie 'Jai Bhim,' featuring performer prakash raj, has caused a huge dispute. A segment of the crowd has taken to social media to express their discontent with a scenario in which prakash raj is being shown hitting a Hindi-speaking pawn trader and telling him to talk in tamil alternatively.

According to one Writer, "I'm devastated after seeing #JaiBhim; I have nothing against actors or anybody else, but I felt awful. In the movie, there's a moment where someone talks hindi, and prakash raj smacks him and orders him to communicate in Tamil. To be frank, this type of sequence was unnecessary. I'm hoping they'll cut it." "Tamil movies are awaited. We back them up and ask the filmmakers to release it across India; in exchange, all we want for is compassion. If not affection, then at least shame is not an option "Added he.

While one part took issue with it, another noted out that the policeman deputy's character (played by prakash raj in the movie) only requests the pawn broker's role to talk in tamil due to the obvious latter's attempts to use speech to cover up the truth and his role in the murder. "The situation does not favour Hindi-speaking Indians. The person attempts to get away by talking in hindi (so that prakash raj doesn't know), but prakash raj notices and smacks him, then orders him to talk in Tamil. tamil artists do not oppose hindi as a vernacular "In reaction to the user's post, one film critic remarked.

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