The film jai Bhim, starring Suriya, reportedly created a major commotion over a smacking sequence. The sequence in which prakash raj slaps a Hindi-speaking loan trader and forces him to talk in tamil really hasn't gone over well with the crowd. prakash raj has officially spoken up about the incident. people who go against the sequence, according to prakash raj, have disregarded the injustice represented in the film against indigenous groups.

Outsiders did not observe the indigenous people's suffering, according to prakash raj, who stated in an article that they just observed the slapping scene. "It shows their objective," he continued. "There have been over a 1,000 incidents of tribal women getting notices in english despite having no formal schooling. There is a need to see things from a different perspective "Added he. 

Prakash Raj went on to say that the accusation was unjust because he, too, has worked in hindi movies. "I arrived late to hindi, but I have contributed back to the industry. It's fine if we disagree; we just have to continue to cope with them. The focus is on unfairness in this case. Let's be truthful, "Over the same conversation, the seasoned actor said. Let's hope for now the slapping scene controversies settle down and cleared the air.

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