The creators of Mohanlal's most anticipated monumental work, Marakkar Arabikadalinte Simham, have officially announced the release date after a long delay. The Priyadarshan-directed film will hit theatres on december 2, 2021. To announce the momentous news, mohanlal has published a new poster, and the film is already buzzing on Instagram. Markar was said to be planning an OTT release, but that does not appear to be the case. 

Saji Cherian, Kerala's minister for Films, stated that the OTT component was considered when the movie theatres were shut, and that the government is adamant in its belief that movies should be released in theatres first, as he expected with 'Marakkar.' On the filming of their forthcoming historical drama spectacular Marakkar: Arabikadalinte Simham, Thala ajith astonished mohanlal and bollywood star Suniel Shetty. 

In Marakkar Arabikadalinte Simham, the superstar will play Kunjali Marakkar IV. As during reign of Zamorin of Calicut, the highest performing naval chieftains were granted the prestigious of Kunjali Marakkar. Keerthy suresh is returning back to malayalam cinema after a long hiatus and malayalam fans are happy with this big happy news as the actress also shared this officially on her instagram handle.

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