Ram Charan wrote a lovely statement to his "chosen favorite friend," SS Karthikeya, son of rrr filmmaker SS rajamouli, a few days ago. To wish his pal a best wishes, he uploaded a candid photo of them bouncing and smiling. ram charan captioned the photo, " "@sskarthikeya, happy birthday! My go-to person, my go-to issue solver, and one of rajamouli Garu's RRR's framework facilitates."

SS karthikeya left his role as a consultant on the cinema Aakashavaani to concentrate on his dad Rajamouli's project RRR. Together with ajay devgn and alia bhatt, the cast includes ram charan and jr ntr in major characters. rrr director SS rajamouli revealed a behind-the-scenes photo with ajay devgn, congratulating him on his 30th year in the hindi film industry and praising his dedication for the medium. "It was a joy to work with you about the #Makkhi and also to have you in #RRRMovie," he said.

The movie is planned for a World Wide Release on 7th of January, 2022, and now a huge barricade with respect to the ticket prices issued by andhra pradesh Government has forced the producer to take a back step and the movie may not see the bright end of the day and there might be some delay in the release of the movie than predicted. We are hearing from sources that 'RRR' might be pushed to Summer 2022 along with kgf 2

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