prabhas has officially released the second track from his upcoming movie Radhe shyam on social networks, and it has left internet users speechless. The melody Aashiqui Aa Gayi, which stars prabhas and pooja hegde, takes us on a delightful romance trip between the two leads, complete with magnificent settings and Arijit Singh's calming voices. A preview for the song was introduced earlier, and it simply gave fans a taste of what was to come in the love ballad.

Prabhas shared on his social networking sites about the track, " "I'm proud to give #AashiquiAaGayi, a love hymn from #RadheShyam, with all of you. The full track is now available, with a hyperlink in the profile." prabhas and pooja passion it out on a motorcycle ride and on a seashore in the nearly 3-minute ballad, which features gorgeous imagery. prabhas and Pooja's Aashiqui Aa Gayi is a remarkable love song of 2021, thanks to Arijit Singh's soul-stirring vocals and Mithoon's exquisitely sensuous rhythm and lines.

Now, this love Anthem is unveiled even in all the Southern Languages and it is sure to be a treat for all the audiences and we are sure it would reach a wider scale and pooja hegde has already started the promotions on her Official instagram handle and other social media pages.

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