Rashmika Mandanna posted a video of herself executing the signature step from the song, which also features allu arjun "I've seen a lot of you doing this reel, and I wanted to join in the fun, so I produced one myself. I'm hoping that many more of you will join us in our mass gathering." Stylist Shravya varma has commented on rashmika Mandanna's video to teach her this step as she wanted to practice that step.
Rajalakshmi Senthilganesh sings Saami Saami, a celebration song with Viveka's words and Devi Sri Prasad's soundtrack. The first of two cinematic segments is about red sander smugglers in the rayalaseema district of Andhra Pradesh's Seshachalam Mountains. allu arjun will portray a truck driver, and rashmika will portray his romantic interest in the story and the song is already a sensation.