Attack, starring john Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez, and rakul preet singh, is slated to hit theatres next month, after eager excitement. The producers have released a trailer for the much-anticipated actioner ahead of its release, and it will undoubtedly blow your mind. Attack, starring john, Jacqueline, and rakul, is based on a dramatic rescue effort commanded by Abraham as a lone ranger commander.

We see john transform from a beaten man after an attack into a super-soldier with nothing on his mind but stopping terrorism in the one-minute 23-second teaser. We see india developing its own artificially intelligent super soldier in order to tackle the country's internal terror attacks. In the teaser, john is depicted as a murderous machine. In the preview, Jacqueline appears in a never-before-seen avatar. rakul Preet's scientist-like avatar in the trailer also manages to catch the eye.

John remarked in response to the teaser, "Prepare to see the birth of India's first super-soldier! The teaser is now available. #Attack will be released in theatres globally on january 28." Fans began showering john with compliments as soon as he published the teaser. John's super-soldier avatar astounded many people. prakash raj and ratna pathak Shah also play key parts in the film. On january 28, 2022, Attack will be released.

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