The cast of Pushpa: The Rise arrived in mumbai yesterday for a major occasion. rashmika mandanna, who plays the female protagonist, wore a glossy green gown with minimal makeup for the day. In this panache-filled appearance, the dive dazzled. The main characters allu arjun and rashmika mandanna, as well as the director of the film Sukumar, sound designer Devi Sri Prasad, and financiers naveen Yerneni, Y. ravi Shankar, and manish Shah, attended the promotional campaign.
Fahadh Faasil will play a major part in Allu Arjun's highly anticipated film. The story of Pushpa: The Rise centers around the smuggling of red sanders in the rayalaseema district of Andhra Pradesh's Seshachalam Hills. The video shows a battle between residents of a forest that grows the rare red sandalwood and smugglers of this valuable commodity.
Devi Sri prasad was in charge of the music, and Miroslaw Kuba Brozek was in charge of the cinematographer. The film is slated to get a release in telugu first, followed by dubbed versions in 4 key tongues. The actress however grabbed the eyeballs with a shiny attire and whole mumbai Photographers took several photographers and other big media outlets.
Fahadh Faasil will play a major part in Allu Arjun's highly anticipated film. The story of Pushpa: The Rise centers around the smuggling of red sanders in the rayalaseema district of Andhra Pradesh's Seshachalam Hills. The video shows a battle between residents of a forest that grows the rare red sandalwood and smugglers of this valuable commodity.
Devi Sri prasad was in charge of the music, and Miroslaw Kuba Brozek was in charge of the cinematographer. The film is slated to get a release in telugu first, followed by dubbed versions in 4 key tongues. The actress however grabbed the eyeballs with a shiny attire and whole mumbai Photographers took several photographers and other big media outlets.