The Enforcement Directorate has already summoned actors jacqueline fernandez and nora fatehi to probe Sukesh Chandrashekhar's continuing fraud case. According to ETimes, other bollywood celebrities may be summoned in connection with the fraud investigation. According to the story, the ED has purportedly discovered records of financial transactions for a number of celebrities in addition to Jacqueline and Nora.

The identities of these individuals have apparently been kept a secret. This development has yet to get official confirmation. Jacqueline Fernandes was previously claimed to have received gifts worth crores from conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. A horse worth Rs. 52 lakh and a Persian automobile worth Rs. 9 lakh are allegedly among the presents in question. The entire value of all the gifts was estimated to be over 10 crores.

A photo of the two became incredibly viral on social media, prompting this development. Actress jacqueline fernandez was seen kissing conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar on the cheek in a photo that was being circulated. In the midst of the investigation, the photo has only fueled speculation that the Srilankan actress was dating Sukesh, who is currently imprisoned in Tihar. Another intimate snapshot of the two had previously surfaced online, in which Chandrashekhar was seen kissing the bollywood actress on the cheeks.

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