In Nani's shyam singha roy, Krithi Shetty, who played a country beauty in her debut film Uppena, played a modern urban heroine. The actress stunned everyone when she was spotted smoking cigarettes in a film directed by rahul Sankrityan. Krithi Shetty claims she dislikes smoking and has asked her director if they can be removed. "'You're playing Keerthy, not Krithi,' rahul said. As a result, you must demonstrate the variation.' Arogya sethu smokes with a milky flavor were delivered. For three days, I practiced smoking. On the first day of the shoot, my hands shivered."

The actress claims that her entire family watched the film. "My father complimented me on my performance in the movie. He never shows up on my movie sets." shyam singha roy didn't get Krithi to dub for him. "The look of my persona and my voice were incongruous," she says. A basic voice was truly required for the role. That's why I didn't do the dubbing for the movie." She sings Nani's praises. "Everyone refers to him as a natural superstar." He really immerses himself in every role he takes on. Nani's characters differed in two ways." Krithi praised Sai Pallavi's performance. "I didn't get the chance to meet sai pallavi on set." I got to the settings one day, but she didn't show up for the shoot.

The actress has stated that she is willing to take on action parts as well. "I'm open to playing a supporting part." If I receive action parts, I'll absolutely take training." Bangarraju's shoot has been completed, according to Krithi Shetty. She's also shared the status of her upcoming projects. "Aa Amaayi Gurunchi Meku Chepali" is expected to hit theatres in February. In April, macherla Niojakavaargam will be released. The shooting of the ram film has begun."

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