Pushpa: The Rise was originally scheduled to be released around the holidays. The movie's release date was pushed back a week to avoid a clash with Ranveer Singh's 83, helmed by Kabir Khan. Despite having to compete with Ranveer Singh's 83, Spider-Man, and Nani-Sai Pallavi's shyam Singha Roy, pushpa is a global success and the collections are unstoppable and free-flowing at the moment.
On the one front, Allu is building a name for himself with his ferocious avatar. But at the other hand, he enchants rashmika mandanna while trying to seduce her. Fahadh Faasil made a fleeting appearance in the film, yet he succeeded to captivate the audience. In the action thriller, allu arjun will play pushpa Raj, while rashmika will play Srivalli. The story focuses on the lifestyles of red sandalwood traffickers in the rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh's Seshachalam Hills.