kajal aggarwal was sighted with her husband Gautam Kitchli and her parents at the mumbai airport ahead of the New Year 2022. She and her family smiled brightly as they posed for the cameras. It appears that New Year's Eve 2022 will be spent on a family outing. Previously, actress kajal aggarwal sent a sweet message to her mother-in-law Dheera Kitchlu on her birthday.

"Gratitude also goes our dear mama @dheerakitchlu we love you so much!" kajal aggarwal wrote beside a photo of them hugging. They never fail to post about one other's special days on social networks. After courting for three years, the Singham actress married businessman Gautam Kitchlu on october 30, 2020. In a spectacular celebration, the pair uttered wedding vows, which were followed by an incredible wedding banquet.

For a long time, the photos from their fantasy wedding were the talk of social media and even went viral. It's also rumored that the two are expecting their first baby together. However, there is yet to be a formal declaration of the same. In the recent airport photos, her MILK look has grabbed all the attention on social media and fans are drooling over her hotness quotient even now. She will soon be seen in the tamil movie 'Ghostly'.

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