Tanisha Mukerji, who is now in Goa, shared a photo of her feet with toe rings on Tuesday, sparking speculation that the actor had secretly married. According to various comments, toe rings are an important ornament for married women. Mukerji was oblivious of all the rumours spreading on the internet because she was in a no-network area.

"I adore wearing toe rings and I thought it looked excellent," she said in an interview with a big media outlet. That's why I snapped a photo and shared it. There's nothing further to say about it. Do I have to justify my wardrobe choices to others? (laughs)” When it comes to relationships, the former 'Bigg Boss' contestant admits that it's something she's considering. "Of course, everyone considers it. "I'm not breaking all the hearts yet," she jokes, "but my fantasy wedding keeps changing until I meet the dream man to marry." I'll let the world know if and when I tie the knot. I'm not a quiet person by any means. The wedding will be a big deal."

"The entire world knows I'm single," she added. There's no reason to leave it open-ended. And I'm content to remain single." Tanishaa is wearing a sea blue crochet shirt that she crocheted herself in other photos from her vacation. During her time in captivity, the actress took advantage of the chance to improve her sewing skills. The thriller Code Name Abdul, which was released in december 2020, was the actor's most recent feature. After appearing on the popular reality tv show 'Bigg Boss,' she became well-known.

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