priya bhavani shankar, one of the busiest leading ladies in tamil cinema, recently celebrated her 32nd birthday. In a video, she can be seen working out in the gym while celebrating her birthday. The actress's trainers bring out a cake in the shape of a rock, which she has to literally break apart with a hammer. priya then divided the chocolate chips with her companions, giggling gleefully as she did so.

Priya's future projects include Kamal Haasan's "Indian 2," Simbu's "Pathu Thala," Dhanush's "Thiruchitramabalam," Raghava Lawrence's "Rudhran," Arun Vijay's "Yaanai," ashok Selvan's "Hostel," S.J. Suryah's "Bommai," and an untitled project with jayam Ravi. priya bhavani shankar is an indian actress who has appeared in 10 movies, and she was last seen in a Disney plus Hotstar movie along with Harish Kalyan.

It's worth noting that videos posted by priya bhavani shankar, who is active on social media, occasionally go viral on the internet. In this context, a video of him celebrating his birthday with gym members has been going social media sensation for a time, and there are moments in the gym where people wish her a very very very happy birthday.

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